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Become a Kriptomat Ambassador

Help us build the fastest-growing, simplest, safest crypto platform in Europe. We are on a mission to make crypto accessible to everyone by providing the simplest, most trustworthy crypto platform in Europe. Investing in crypto can be difficult, that's why we say, “Hard on us, Easy for you.”

ambasador program

Benefits for your community

Why you need an on-ramp solution

Rated the simplest platform*

Don’t take our word for it. Our customers rate us the simplest crypto platform they have ever used. You can buy, store and sell crypto all with your credit card.

Why you need an on-ramp solution

Available in your language

Learning crypto is difficult enough – why do it in another language?

 Why you need an on-ramp solution

Fully EU-regulated for your peace of mind

We know your reputation with your community is important. Kriptomat is a safe, EU-regulated business. Your community is in good hands with us.

 Why you need an on-ramp solution

Earn up to 13.5% on crypto

KriptoEarn gives your community members rewards on their crypto every week. We challenge you to find higher returns anywhere else.

* Based on NPS data from September 2022

Benefits for you

Why you need an on-ramp solution

Be part of the community

Be part of the crypto revolution! From our ambassador welcome packs to our newsletters, you will never run out of new content to share with your community.

Why you need an on-ramp solution

Uncapped revenue

Some of our ambassadors make up to €9,000 per year! With our program you have total control over how much you get paid and how much your users are rewarded.

 Why you need an on-ramp solution

Exclusive Access

As part of the team you will benefit at Kriptomat. You’ll be eligible for everything from zero fees to early entry to Beta projects.

 Why you need an on-ramp solution

Great rates

Our ambassadors get access to the best welcome offers for new users. Users will never find a better rate than the one you offer.


Verify your business
Step 1


Fill out our simple brand ambassador application.

Sign the contract
Step 2


Meet our brand team so you have a dedicated contact.

Install widget
Step 3


Tell your whole community about your unique referral code.

Manage your portfolio –
wherever you are

Use the website or download our safe and secure mobile app today.