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Earn up to 10%
on your crypto.

KriptoEarn uses the power of on-chain staking to put your crypto portfolio to work. You’ll earn rewards simply and securely while you’re offline, asleep, or busy at the office.

5000 €
Total Balance After Earning Period*
Yearly Reward Rate
750 €
Estimated Reward
Kriptomat earn
Select cryptocurrency
Deposit Amount
Select Earning Period
* It is important to know that if the price of your staked crypto drops at a higher percentage than the rate you are earning, you could end the staking period with more crypto but a lower or higher net value compared to euros or other currencies.

What is KriptoEarn?

Staking but simple

Staking but simple

It’s the simplest way to do direct on-chain staking all from your Kriptomat wallet.

A secure solution

A secure solution

On-chain staking means your assets are stored securely on the blockchain you choose.

Great Rewards

Great Rewards

It’s the smart way to grow your crypto portfolio instead of letting assets sit idle in your wallet.

KriptoEarn cryptocurrencies and rates

Max Reward rate
Polkadot icon
/ year
Atom icon
/ year
Cardano icon
/ year
Tezos icon
/ year
Matic icon
/ year
Solana icon
/ year
near icon
/ year
*Note: Percentages are subject to change, depending on the staking reward.

Grow your crypto portfolio without investing a cent

Buy crypto
Step 1

Own crypto

Buy or transfer supported crypto into your Kriptomat account.

Move crypto to KriptoEarn
Step 2

Move crypto to KriptoEarn

Specify how much you wish to stake.

That’s it
Step 3

Earn rewards

Receive free crypto rewards automatically.

Hard on us, easy on you. Crypto but simple.


What is on-chain staking?

Staking is the process of transferring your cryptocurrency temporarily to a separate wallet to support a blockchain’s security and transaction verification processes. It sounds complicated – and it can be! – but at Kriptomat we handle all the details on your behalf. In return, you earn rewards in the form of additional cryptocurrency. It's like earning interest on a savings account.

Staking not only provides a great way to earn rewards, but also helps promote a more decentralized and secure blockchain ecosystem. By participating in staking, you can help support your favorite blockchain network and earn rewards while doing so.

What if the price of crypto goes down?

When do I receive rewards?

Can I withdraw my staked crypto at any time?

What are the risks associated with KriptoEarn?

Manage your portfolio –
wherever you are

Use the website or download our safe and secure mobile app today.