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how to verify your identity
How To Verify Your Identity

Kriptomat operates according to the laws and regulations of the European Union and every country in which we do business. That commitment is the reason for identity-verification procedures that keep Kriptomat GDPR-compliant. 

how to send coins to other crypto wallets
How To Send Coins to Other Crypto Wallets

Kriptomat makes it easy to buy, sell, and swap cryptocurrencies within the Kriptomat ecosystem. But you may wish to transfer cryptocurrencies to another user — for example, if you are using crypto to make a purchase. Here's how.

how to sell cryptocurrencies
How To Sell Cryptocurrencies

If you wish to convert cryptocurrency in your wallet to euros, you must sell the funds at the crypto market’s current conversion rate. This step is required before transferring funds to your bank account. Don't worry; our instructions make it easy.

how to receive cryptocurrency transfers
How To Receive Cryptocurrency Transfers

If you sell something, perform a service, or expect to receive a gift of cryptocurrencies, you’ll need to know how to receive the funds in your crypto wallet. This article explains how. We've even included an instructional video to make it all clear.

how to open a kriptomat account
How To Open a Kriptomat Account

Buying, selling, swapping, and storing cryptocurrencies at Kriptomat require that you create an account. While it is theoretically possible to conduct these transactions anonymously, Kriptomat requires account verification to protect customers.

how to log in to kriptomat
How To Log In to Kriptomat

You can explore the Kriptomat website as much as you like without creating an account, but to buy, sell, or trade cryptocurrencies, you must have a verified account and you must log in. This article explains just how easy it is to get started.

how to exchange cryptocurrencies at kriptomat
How To Exchange Cryptocurrencies at Kriptomat

In addition to buying and selling crypto funds, you can efficiently swap one crypto for another — to balance your investment portfolio, for instance. Exchanging cryptocurrencies is easy at Kriptomat. This video walks you through the process.

how to buy cryptocurrency without a credit card
How To Buy Cryptocurrency Without a Credit Card

Most investors by cryptocurrency at Kriptomat using a credit card or bank transfer, but it is possible to buy cryptocurrencies with other payment methods. This article explains how to use these methods to buy crypto whenever you like.

how to buy cryptocurrency using a credit card
How To Buy Cryptocurrency Using a Credit Card

It’s easy to buy cryptocurrency using a credit card or debit card at Kriptomat. It's easier than funding your account with a bank transfer and it's faster because transactions happen immediately. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started.

how to buy cryptocurrencies at kriptomat
How To Buy Cryptocurrencies at Kriptomat

Buying a cryptocurrency is how you join the crypto revolution and start building an investment portfolio based on digital assets. This article shows how easy it is. There's even a video to take you through the process step by step.

how to deposit funds into your kriptomat account
How To Deposit Funds Into Your Kriptomat Account

When you’re ready to start building a portfolio, you’ll need funds so you can purchase crypto coins and tokens. To fund these transactions, you instruct your bank to make a wire transfer to your Kriptomat account. Here's how it is done.

top tips for swapping cryptocurrencies
Top Tips For Swapping Cryptocurrencies

A well-balanced crypto portfolio requires constant adjustment. That's why it's important to learn the ins and outs of swapping cryptos. There are a surprising number of platforms and methods. Here are our top picks.

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